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Persons with Disabilities

Disability is a complex phenomenon. According to World Health Organization (WHO), the term disabilities is an umbrella term, covering impairment, limitations in activity and participation restrictions. It could also be problem in body function. Statistics records that globally, there are over 1 billion persons with disabilities and the greater percentage is among women and children. These clusters experience a narrower margin of health because of poverty and social exclusion.


Overcoming the difficulties therefore requires interventions to remove environmental and social barriers. Mostly, limitations in vision, hearing, thinking, movement, communication, social interactions and other areas can be overcome if there is are Public Private Partnership interventions.


Foundation for Rescue of Abandoned African Children empowers children who are physically challenged with disability of locomotors and neurological origin which constitutes disadvantage in one or more aspects of their daily living activities. Thus, we work to enable children in these categories maximize their capabilities and help them to achieve their potentials. FRAAC promotes rights of persons with disabilities, shows empathy and advocates for good and free health care services for them. We also work with Persons with Albinism (PWAs). Where we lack required expertise and knowledge, we do refer parents of such children to experts and specialists. 


We work with community-based healthcare providers to sensitize people especially women in marginal settings on reproductive, maternal and neonatal health services with respect to Ante-Natal Care (ANC), Skilled Birth Attendance (SBA) and Postnatal Care (PNC). The application of this knowledge will avoid fatalities that may occur to their children.


Mentally Retarded

Physically Challenged

Visually Impaired